Another busy holiday season has come and gone (hence the late post, that's just how busy it was!), but the memories we made it LCCC are some we will remember forever. From celebrating various holidays within the classroom, to bringing our community together outside of the classroom all together, we feel pretty fortunate to spend our days in a place that brings us so much joy.

Holidays come in many forms. And not only is it important for each child to feel seen and represented in their own classrooms, but also that the classrooms are exposing all children, to new traditions and experiences. We loved watching our classrooms integrate Kwanzaa, Christmas and Hanukkah to name a few, into their daily activities and shared learnings.

When celebrating holidays at LCCC, we always try to incorporate them into the centre in a way that the classroom as whole can enjoy and benefit from. This year, each classroom was gifted new toys and activities to stay within the classroom, but it was most exciting to watch as the children opened them up and inspected each new item with curiosity and interest. We can't wait to see how our classrooms integrate their new learning materials into their programming as the year goes on.

It wouldn't be a holiday season without one final hurrah with our incredible, amazing, hardworking and phenomenal staff of Early Childhood Educators, Educational Assistants, Kitchen, Sanitation and Office Administrators.
This year we ventured to a Paint & Create Night where everyone got to make their own handcrafted decorative sign on a wooden plank or try their hand at painting. We crafted, we chatted, we laughed and we shared our favourite memories from the past year. For those who couldn't make it, we also had a ugly sweater contest and Luncheon. Thank you LCCC families for your donations making all of this possible! LCCC doesn't function all year round with the efforts of just one person, but EVERY SINGLE PERSON. When they say it takes a village, it's definitely true. We're just lucky to have the best village out there.
All the best to everyone in 2024!